April 28, 2012

The doc

I made the massive mistake of taking the kiddos in on my own for the 5-year-old well-visit with the pediatrician. Everything starting out smashingly...neither child fussed for the temperature-taking, blood pressure cuff, height (Zoe is 46" tall, Caleb is 44" tall), weight (Zoe is 51 lbs, Caleb is 42 lbs), reflexes, and the rest of the physical.  The kids sat nicely together on a single armchair in the exam room watching the Smurfs up on the TV, waiting patiently for the nurse to come in after we'd covered all the other bases.  And then she came in with two little trays that had three shots each on them. Three. Once the kids got wind of what was coming, they completely and utterly lost their minds.  It took me and two nurses to basically hold each of them down, and my ears were ringing for the entire day with how loud they hollered.  Every. Single. Person. was staring at us when we went to leave...all the nurses, the doctors, every single person in the waiting area, and I swear people in the parking lot, too. I felt so bad for them!! Next time, I'm coming in with reinforcements...I may even schedule to appointments at entirely different times.  It was as bad for Zoe to watch Caleb get stuck, and then I had to get her to sit while she pleaded with me to take her home. Thank goodness it's only once a year!!!!

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