April 2, 2011

Teeth and Swarmball

 Unlike the last time, the dentist was a hit!
 Caleb was okay with everything except for the chair moving seemingly by magic.  Once he figured out how it operated, he was good.
 He looks a little guilty, doesn't he?
 Zoe trying to persuade me to do something or other, I'm sure. 
 The kids are back in Soccertots for the "spring" season, which has gone pretty well so far.  I have to admit, it is beyond hysterical to see these kids running all over the place.  One kid today decided to skirt kicking the ball into the goal altogether, and flew headfirst into the goal himself instead!
 I was so proud of Zoe last week at the first class.  Turns out all the dads there were talking amongst themselves about how fast she can run! She must take after her tita Sara.

This past week at work was complete insanity for both S and I, as luck would have it (ack).  I was working 12-16 hour days and had planned ahead for Lola and Grandpa to come up from Connecticut to help out.  It was awesome coming home (late) to home-cooked meals, groceries bought and put away, laundry done, and kids happy and well cared for.  Caleb said a few times, "Grandpa, you stay in my house."  I think we may have worn out Grandpa...

1 comment:

  1. Pia & Scott, your kids are adorable. I love keeping up with them. Recently found photos from your wedding reception in Sheboygan. Glad to see you are doing well. Take care. Heather (Sellars) Treptow (Todd's little sister) If you want you can check out our girls at www.gbrunningmom.blogspot.com
