December 24, 2010

Almost Christmas!

The month since Thanksgiving has hurtled by, as is wont to happen every year, it seems.  The weather turned cold and blustery and we've had a few dustings of snow, and the below freezing temps in the morning make it hard for everyone to get up and get going.  My folks were in town for the kids' preschool Christmas pageant which unfortunately they missed...we were just thankful that urgent care the night before was quiet, and the on-call pediatrician (a grandfather of twins) was quick to diagnose an ear infection for Zoe and more chesty cough issues for Caleb and sent them home on a 10-day cycle of antibiotics.  Everyone is on the mend, and big thanks to Lola and Grandpa for again stepping up and helping out with childcare.  

Zoe sings (in tune!) Santa Claus is Coming to Town and an endless rendition of Jingle Bells without any prompting.  Caleb seems to like "alise lollydot" (Feliz Navidad) on the radio and is currently fixated on rockets, rocket ships, and wanting to fly on an airplane every time he sees one.  

Last week we got wolloped by an unexpected car repair, and ended up out in that twilight of "must feed hungry kids now" and no idea what to make for dinner, and about 30 minutes to kill before the car would be ready.  We decided on a local diner for a quick dinner -- chicken noodle soup, crackers, and grilled cheeses. The food was nothing special but it was the first time that for the entire to table, through eating, and all the way to the shop and then home, the kids were angels.  They ate all their food (still something we fixate on, as all preemie parents do...), drank their milk, no spills or tantrums, and polite to everyone.  It was a gift in itself...the kids are growing up.  Heck, it's only taken us nearly 4 years, but we're getting the hang of this whole parenting thing. 
 It's the first year the twins at 3 and a half have been in to the Christmas spirit and Santa, and we have shamelessly used "you better be nice or Santa won't bring you any presents on Christmas Eve!"  Zoe LOVED the Christmas tree and present display at this year's APBA party. 
 Nope...they wouldn't sit on Santa's lap...nor would they even go up without holding tightly to my hands.  But once they realized that he was friendly, they warmed up a little. 
 ...happy to be heading to Daddy to unwrap the gifts! 
 This baby doll has a pacifier and a bottle.  Her head is weighted, and when you put the bottle or paci in her mouth, she actually gurgles and sucks. Very disturbing. Zoe wanted her in bed with her on the first night, but then hollered for me to come and take "it" away in the middle of the night. Zoe likes to name her different things, like Badguy Sharpu, Badguy Clip, and Dolly Doll. 
 The Ironman is a great toy. He has detachable wings, different songs and lights in his eyes and hands, and says things like "Hero Up!" Caleb plays with him for hours. 
 Given that the kids are getting over being sick, we opted for the indoor train display at Union Station rather than the big set at the Botanical Gardens.  Can you find the big troll? 

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